shift your consciousness, awaken to your worth


shift your consciousness, awaken to your worth


shift your consciousness, awaken to your worth

shift your consciousness to awaken to your worth and enoughness

I see you.
I know you.
I used to be you.

After years of working in my high-paying, unrelentingly-stressful, soul-sucking job in the Hollywood motion picture industry, the toxicity was starting to get to me and when I couldn’t take it anymore, I dropped out.

With no movies to shoot and nothing to do and nowhere to go and nobody to be any more, I couldn’t figure out what my broken life was supposed to look like and not knowing scared the crap out of me.

Until I got a massive Cosmic Bitch-Slap that opened my eyes to see that I’d been slaving away at an ego-driven job I hated that made me feel like I was fighting for my life every f*cking day.

It took an epic global adventure to see that I already had a great big bag of sharp shiny tools I could use to construct a life that was aligned with my soul and to understand that I was worthy, I was enough, and I could trust myself without any fear or uncertainty.

And for the last 10 years, I’ve used those tools as a consciousness shifting coach for women like you who feel unworthy or trapped or stuck or broken and don’t know what to do about it.

Women like you who’s soul is calling for change, feeling like you are somehow out of alignment with who you really are and what you truly desire, and are convinced there’s gotta be a better way to live.

Women like you who are tired of doubting yourself and questioning your decisions, sick of feeling unworthy and fearful, can see the value of investing in yourself, and are ready to rediscover your confidence and power.

Working with me you’ll discover your innate confidence and get to a place where you aren’t fearful of uncertainty and the unknown, self-trust comes naturally, and you embrace your authentic self, knowing that the universe supports you in being enough as you are.

I articulate complex abstract concepts in a humorous non-judgmental way that’s easy to understand and relate to without any overused coaching jargon or platitudes that trivialize the fact that you are the powerful creator of your reality.

A truthspeaker who keeps things very relaxed but totally real, my gift is getting to the essence of what’s going on in your life and mind that’s keeping you in the feedback loop of your past, endlessly repeating the same behaviors with the same undesired results. 

When clients choose to go for a longer program, the mind and soul prepare for a longer journey, and so they are willing to dig much deeper for that shift in their consciousness because they’re more invested in themselves and in their success.

This process of profound shifting takes more time because when we’re working on embodying new ways of being, it’s super easy to slide back into our old ways of being without the guidance and support that helps us consciously anchor in that new reality.

Together, my clients and I create a powerful experience that provides them with unexpected insights and refocused perception, along with actionable strategies and effective tools for constructing a life that’s aligned with their soul. 

This potent shift helps you see your own worthiness, trust yourself without fear or uncertainty, and shine in your brilliant uniqueness.