shift your consciousness, change your life

here's my story, morning glory...

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Exploring and learning have always been my favorite things to do and are the driving forces behind my never-ending quest for growth.

A film industry veteran, a conversational English trainer, a filmmaking mentor, and a transformational coach, my work has taken me to many countries. 

The vast culturescape showed me over and over again that similarity underlies all diversity.

And that our sense of enoughness is what affects how we see ourselves and the world around us. 

I love it when stories of my adventures end up being relatable, or inspiring, or just stupid silly.

COVID rocked our world and in that weird vacuum of self-isolation I decided to write a book.

To help women learn they are enough just as they are, stop fearing the unknown, and trust themselves.

Cosmic Bitch-Slap is the story of  how I dropped out of the film business to stumble my way through an adventure spanning four continents and ten years. 

Cosmic Bitch-Slap is also the name of my coaching practice where I show women how to shift their consciousness, redefine their relationship with themselves, and change their lives.

my adventure took me to interesting faraway incredible beautiful places where I learned amazing new things

South Korean sensory overload was amplified by the perpetually running and screaming kids I taught there for one long year 

My first Christmas in Warsaw was spent with a new Polish friend who warmly welcomed me into her family and did her best to show me the ropes

India was mind-blowing in every respect – the colors, the people, the food, the temples, and all the animal buddies I met while there

A gorgeous monastery down the road from the hotel I called home while commuting to Kyiv every weekend to teach filmmaking master classes

Living in Barcelona can be tricky when you don’t eat meat, but I soon found the perfect lunch that was available at every cafe in every barrio in the city

The black sand beaches on Stromboli, one of the volcanic Lipari Islands off Sicily provided plenty of sunshine and relaxation

I met tons of great people on my quarterly trips to London and this is a pal from Southwark on the south side of the Thames

And all my adventures seem to begin and end with me chillin’ on a bench overlooking the Pacific at my fave joint up the coast at the Ventura County line

and what about you? where has your journey led you and what have you learned?