confidence is my jam and igniting yours is my brilliance

I had a long career navigating the treacherous waters of the Hollywood film industry, working in a high-stakes, high-paying, high-pressure job dealing with toxic executives, demanding actors, and competitive colleagues. Eventually burning out on this brutal and often unethical environment, I dropped out and went on an epic adventure spanning 4 continents and almost 10 years.

Believing I hated my job and the toxic industry I’d been working in for years, I ran away with the intention of never looking back. I truly thought I wanted nothing to do with filmmaking. I didn’t understand that despite all the nastiness surrounding me in Hollywood, the film industry was lodged in my heart and leaving it all behind wasn’t gonna happen no matter what continent I was on.

Despite running far far away, it came back to bite me in the ass while I was living in Warsaw, Poland. I ended up creating a niche business, working with professionals in the film and photography industries by developing their conversational English, teaching them industry specific terminology, and training them in standard Hollywood filmmaking techniques.

And culminating in a collaboration with a renowned Polish film producer who hired me to conduct filmmaking Master Classes for industry professionals in Kiev, Ukraine, I brought Hollywood to Eastern Europe.

It was the most gratifying and rewarding thing I’d ever done in my life, and it was something far beyond anything I could ever have dreamed of. Possibilities and potential lie in the unknown –  the place that’s beyond whatever we think we already know.

Once we get that the ‘un’ in unknown is the same ‘un’ in unlimited, our lives take off in directions we never dreamed existed, and our soul glows as we align with our purpose, radiating confidence and trust, fearlessly facing uncertainty, and being our authentic selves.

Along the way, I discovered my unique brilliance at helping women

Women who were feeling stuck or trapped and didn’t know what to do about it

Women who were tired of doubting themselves and second-guessing their decisions

Women who were sick of feeling unworthy, fearing uncertainty, and being someone they’re not


For the last decade, I’ve coached hundreds of women who have lost their innate confidence and woke up one day feeling out of alignment with who they really are, what they truly desire, and couldn’t figure out what to do about it.

I give them their power back by showing them their worth and igniting their confidence so they can start trusting themselves, stop fearing uncertainty, let go of trying to control the uncontrollable, and feel safe being themselves.

Learning that a staggering 80% of women feel unworthy and of those, an even more staggering 92% believe they lack the confidence to be successful, I’m on a mission to help them awaken to their worth and ignite their confidence.

The same way my groundbreaking Master Classes helped awaken Eastern Europe to Hollywood filmmaking technique and ignited their confidence by showing them exactly how to do it…

I didn’t learn it at university

I didn’t learn it in some online course

I didn’t learn it at the Acme Coaching Academy

I learned it walking my uniquely nonlinear path through life

I learned it on my adventure living and working around the world

I learned it creating a reality for myself that’s exactly what I’ve chosen


So I’m super well-equipped when it comes to helping you awaken to your worth and ignite your confidence



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