maybe you -

Have a stressful, demanding job with unrelenting pressure to perform but you frequently doubt yourself, question your decisions, and suspect you’re unworthy

Believe your hard work got you here along with your dedication to success but now you’re sleep-deprived, terminally stressed, and always on the edge of anxiety

Think that if you know what’s gonna happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year you’ll feel safely in control of your life and can finally breathe and relax

Constantly compare yourself to other people, measuring yourself against them, invariably coming up short, and always end up feeling like you’re just not enough

Have to psych yourself up on the way to work, then mentally replay the day’s conversations on the way home, but you say different things than you did at the time

Assume that people would throw you under a bus if they knew what you really were, so you make sure they only see the you that conforms to their expectations

Feel like you have to wear a mask at work to protect yourself and can only relax and be yourself when you’re all alone, soaking in your tub with a drink in your hand

Regularly beat yourself up for not making changes in your life and then realizing you’re stuck or trapped and have no idea what to do about it, you feel even shittier

And so…

You listen to self-help audio books or podcasts to learn about what you could be doing and how you could be thinking

You recite affirmations in the mirror every morning telling yourself that you are a worthy and confident woman

And you go to a therapist to find out what happened in your childhood that made you are the way you are

But –

None of that stuff has moved the needle and nothing’s really changed

I know. I’ve been there. I did all those things too. And I got nowhere fast…

well get this -

Our brain is an ancient supercomputer designed to ensure we survived

we no longer need to live in survival mode – we need to thrive and our brain wasn’t designed to help us do that


We have the power to rewire our brain to change how we perceive ourselves

and it all starts with awareness that we’re operating within our very own invisible feedback loop that’s dictating our survival by keeping us safely existing in the zone of the known and blowing off all the painful stuff we keep locked deep inside ourselves while that big loud voice in our mind screams that we’re undeserving or unworthy or not enough of something or too much of something else, and over time our confidence gradually evaporates as we live our lives trying to be someone we’re not

what would it be like if -

what does Hollywood have to do with Confidence?

Working in the brutal environment of the Hollywood film industry isn’t easy –

 the hours are grueling

the egos are challenging

the results are non-negotiable

we are all basically self-employed

working means we are good at our job

Each new movie or TV show we work on –


has a different script

has a different location

has a different film studio

has a different cast and crew

has a different set of challenges


Success for us requires having an attitude that embraces our worthiness and a mindset that radiates confidence

That attitude and mindset come from acquiring and developing some extremely powerful tools –

We aren’t trapped in an invisible feedback loop and mindlessly existing on autopilot

because each movie we work on has different requirements we must adapt to

We fully own our accomplishments and don’t guilt trip about acknowledging them

because they got us where we are and confidence in our abilities gets us hired

We’ve trained ourselves to perceive similarities instead of differences in everything

because seeing similarities guarantees our success on each movie we work on

We understand exactly what we bring to the table so we don’t fear uncertainty or risk

because we’ve learned that we can trust ourselves and the decisions we make

We feel confident and at ease living as our unapologetically authentic selves

because we know we’re recognized and valued for our unique brilliance

Needless to say, most people don’t work in a brutal environment like Hollywood

But their workplace is filled with toxic bosses, demanding clients, and competitive colleagues

so here's the thing -

These powerful tools are actually universal but they’re things most people never think about because –

  • It’s easier to exist on autopilot in an invisible feedback loop of the known
  • We’re taught not to acknowledge our accomplishments or talk about them
  • We don’t question our belief that people and things are dissimilar or different
  • We don’t trust ourselves or our decisions, and are fearful of uncertainty and risk
  • We constantly compare ourselves to others and then decide we are inadequate

And the worst part is, we go through life feeling unworthy, lacking confidence, not trusting ourselves, fearing uncertainty and the unknown, and rejecting our authenticity without ever knowing that all that shit disappears when we acquire and develop these powerful tools

That’s what I mean when I say that I see you and I know you and it’s the reason I created the Hollywood Confidence Formula

if you haven't met me yet, here's my backstory -

I burned out and ran away from my stressful, high-paying, soul-sucking job in the Hollywood film industry with my confidence in shreds, never wanting to look back

On an epic global adventure my confidence was reignited by learning that I had a big bag of  tools I’d acquired making movies that I used to construct the life I chose

Learning that 80% of women feel unworthy and of those, 92% believe they lack the confidence to ever be successful, I got passionate about changing that paradigm

Right after I threw up…

And when I started speaking with women about themselves and their lives, I got even more upset seeing the undeniable truth of that appalling statistic

Confidence is my jam and igniting it in other women became my mission

I embody that mission by showing women how to awaken to their worth, reignite their confidence, and escape the invisible feedback loop they’re existing in

My programs aren’t ego-coddling therapy sessions, or hand-holding strategy meetings, or platitude-laden superficial conversations

They’re inspiring spaces of discovery that are completely relaxed, very real, and highly focused, while being non-judgmental, humorous, and pretty explicit

I created these signature Hollywood Confidence Formula programs in celebration of you – the worthy, confident, uniquely brilliant creator of your life, your success, and whatever your vision for the future looks like

The Hollywood Confidence Formula awakens you to your worth so that you can ignite your confidence and take ownership of your power to embody the alignment your soul is calling out for

I created it based on my life in the film industry to help you develop –

an attitude that embraces worthiness

a mindset that radiates confidence

ease at being your authentic self

I lay it all out for you without any –

devaluing drama 

bullshit jargon 

trivial platitudes

in a way that you don’t have to to figure it all out for yourself


And the fact that you can achieve results in a matter of months is worth celebrating…